Licensing Services

Offering all required licensing to establish your business as a legal and independent entity whose services benefit the well-being of the general public.


Categories for business licensing :
  • Business License for Domestic Enterprises: For companies that perform domestic services such as selling goods/ providing services.
  • Business License for Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FIEs): For companies that are fully/ partially owned by foreign parties who operate businesses in China
  • Business License for Import and Export Enterprises: For companies importing and exporting goods in China
  • Business License for Value-Added Telecom Services: For companies that provide value-added telecom services such as VoIP and online messaging.
  • Business License for Food Production and Sale: For companies that produce and sell food products in China.
  • Business License for Pharmaceutical Production and Sale: For companies that produce and sell pharmaceuticals in China.
  • Business License for Medical Device Production and Sale: For companies that produce and sell medical devices in China.

Once your company determines the type of business license needed, Beez24 will pave the way in:
  • Ensuring approval is subsequently granted by the AIC
  • Applying for the business license covering all requisites (specification of company name, address, business scope, legal representatives, registered capital, and other relevant information)
  • Applying for other required permits relevant to your field such as tax registration and customs registration certificates and environmental permits.


Categories for food import licensing:
  • General Food Import License - Provided for companies importing food items not present on the restricted food list and is applicable for multiple imports.
  • Special Food Import License - Involves the import of food items such as health supplements, infant formula, and food items created for special medical needs.
  • Meat Import License - Provided for the importing of meat such as poultry, beef, and pork ;requires certification that the importer has storage and processing facilities for the meat products and can prove the product origin, processing, and transportation
  • Seafood Import License - - Provided for the importing of all types of seafood such as shellfish, crustaceans, and fish where the importer must cover all requirements of product origin and safety.
  • Dairy Product Import License - - Provided for the importing of dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and yogurt. The importer must certify the possession of storage and processing facilities for the products and must ensure all products meet the proper health and safety regulations.

In obtaining the most suitable food import license for your business, Beez24 will assist you in:
  • Obtaining a food import registration certificate from the Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).
  • Referring your company to a registered agent for food importing (the agent is a Chinese citizen/organization)
  • Applying for the food import license from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) through the registered agent - the application must include the list of specific products to be imported, a business license, and a food import registration certificate.
  • Certifying that the food imported will certify as safe and consumable once passing inspection and quarantining by the AQSIQ.
  • Certifying that the food items imported pass all regulations issued by the Chinese government, granting your food import license.

3. Food Import License (within China)


If you wish to obtain any other types of specific licenses, Beez24 is readily available to provide in-detail information on the license you wish to obtain and provide guidance in securing it legally and efficiently.

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